Veterans Day Parade, November
11, 2006
The HRCMOAA joined over 70 units to participate in this year’s Veterans
Day Parade. Shown above, left to right, are CAPT Ray Hart,
USN (Ret), LTCOL Jesse Sandlin, USAF (Ret), and CDR John Vermillion,
USN (Ret). Waiting for the parade to start on Atlantic Avenue.
The parade is sponsored each year by the Hampton Roads Council of Veterans
Organizations. |
Following the parade, the opening ceremony honored and saluted Vietnam
War Veterans who did not return from the war, all POW-MIA casualties and
all Gold Star Mothers. The ceremony took place at the Veterans Memorial
in Virginia Beach, VA. The high light of the ceremony was a Military
Battlefield Funeral Ceremony. If you’ve ever seen this ceremony,
it is very moving. Shown below, left to right, is Lance Corporal
Pat Callahan, USMC and SGT Charlie Montgomery, USA, both Vietnam
Veterans and members of the Vietnam Veterans of America. Pat is the
President of the VVA, Chapter 969, Virginia Beach, VA. |