April 2006
VCOC Annual Congressional
Appreciation Luncheon
COL Jack Hilgers, USMC Ret. with Congresswoman Thelma Drake,
2nd District at the Virginia Council Of Chapters Annual Congressional Appreciation
Luncheon held in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington DC on
5 April 2006. |
Left to right, CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret., HRCMOAA President, Congressman
Randy Forbes, 4th District, and COL Floyd Gilbert, USA Ret.
current chapter member and Past President, at the Congressional Appreciation
Luncheon. |
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April 2006 Social
CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret. Chapter President, presenting the Virginia
Beach Commonwealth Attorney, Harvey Bryant with an engraved silver
cup in thanks for his presentation at the April 2006 evening function. |
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NROTC Hampton Roads
Awards Ceremony
MIDN Matthew Hawkins (right) is shown with his MOAA medal and
certificate for Leadership Excellence. It was presented by CDR
John Vermillion, USN Ret. at the NROTC Hampton Roads awards ceremony.
Picture taken after the actual presentation. |
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