Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Committees'
Missions and Members


Mission:  To monitor local, state and national legislation developments that might affect active duty military personnel, service retirees, and reserve and National Guard personnel, and their dependents.  To keep Chapter members informed concerning legislative developments of particular interest.  To recommend courses of action to the Chapter to achieve legislative objectives and to plan and carry out those lobbying activities specifically approved by the Chapter.
Committee Chair
- Vacant -
COL Jack W. Hilgers
USMC (Ret)
Vice Committee Chair
CAPT Loren Heckelman
USN (Ret) Chapter President
MG John P. McLaren
USA (Ret) Immediate Past President
CDR Roberto "Bert" Ortiz
USN (Ret) First Vice President
Click below to read the full report
Click to read the full report
State Senator Jen Kiggans Speaks To Our Chapter
As with last year, our Congressional Affairs event for April 2021 is virtual.  CDR Linc Smith, USNR (Ret) has coordinated an online video for our chapter membership to view featuring State Senator Jen Kiggans (R 07).

During her presentation, Senator Kiggans highlights her own personal and family background, followed by a brief summary of both her advocacy for Veterans and Legislation before the Virginia General Assembly Session 2021 pertinent to Veterans.  In conclusion, Senator Kiggans provides her office contact information.  The video is 7:52 minutes in length and we invite you to view her message at this link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/c8d3wrvf062ese8/IMG_5271.MOV?dl=0

Many thanks to both Senator Kiggans for her service in the Virginia General Assembly and her Legislative Director Mr. Tyler Edmunds for producing the tape.

Congressman Rob Wittman Talks To Us

In lieu of our chapter legislative affairs luncheon previously scheduled for August 2020, CDR Linc Smith, USNR (Ret) arranged for our previously scheduled luncheon speaker, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA 01), to record an online video for our membership. Congressman Wittman is Chairman (Majority) of House Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces. The video consists of two recordings. 

In the first video, Congressman Wittman highlights particulars of the National Defense Authorization Act 2021 (NDAA 2021), to include undersea strike capability, the nuclear triad, logistics, supply chain protection and reconfiguration of the United States Marine Corps.

Watch First Video
Turn your sound up high to hear best
In the second video, Congressman Wittman discusses tanker replacement program shortfalls, integration of unmanned platforms into the fleet, the bipartisan government surplus computer to veterans program, broadband access and maintenance of trust between the government, active duty and veterans.
Watch Second Video
Turn your sound up high to hear best
In closing, Congressman Wittman thanks HRCMOAA for ongoing support of the sea services.

All information contained in this website is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2024