Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Committees'
Missions and Members


Mission:  To maintain the chapter database of members; to provide chapter publications, including the bi-monthly enewsletter and a directory of members, and to arrange for various mailings; and to provide a chapter Internet web page.
Committee Chair
Maj Clifton G. Furedy
USAF (Ret)
 LT Hans P. Juhl Hidle
USN (Ret)
 CAPT Loren V. Heckelman
USN (Ret)
Website Content Editor
Main Membership File:
Information on all chapter members, including uniformed service members and surviving spouses, both past and present, is in a single database system maintained by the committee chair.  The system also contains names and addresses of elected area officials, ROTC/NROTC detachments and newsletter advertisers.  Each month a series of reports about membership is prepared for use by the Board of Directors and posted to a restricted area of the website.  As required, the system can print address labels for the newsletter, luncheon announcements and membership recruiting and retention.  The MMF is synchronized with the digital MOAA Committee Module to ensure accuracy at the national level.

Typically the chapter's newsletter "The Tribute" is published six times each year.  Printed copies are mailed to all members, a digital version is posted to the website and an email is sent to all members notifying them that the latest edition is avaible on the web.  The Newsletter Editor's functions are describled in a separate article.

The chapter maintains a website available on the Internet with a wide variety of information about MOAA, our chapter, its members and of relevance to the entire community of active and retired uniformed officers, their spouses and surviving spouses.  The website contains not only current news and information but also serves as a repository of historical information about the chapter.  The function of the Website Content Editor is to develop, research and screen item to be included on the website.

Member Directory:
Updated monthly, or more frequently if required, the Member Directory is now in digital format and available on the website through the Members Only Access link.  The purpose is to encourage communications and foster a spirit of camaraderie among the chapter members. 

All information contained in this website is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2024