DisneyWorld 2007 - Page 3
Clif and Bobbie
Tricia and Bobbie
At the pool: Missy, Bobbie, Kari, Scott, Danielle and Tricia
Fran and Jerry working on their tan
Gracie, Mandy and Tricia
Gracie at the beach
The Entire Group Going to Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue
Click on the photo for bigger picture
Time To Go Home
Bobbie, Susan and Grant
These photos were taken by Bobbie & Clif Furedy
Susan Muehlig, and Tricia & Christian Gagliardi
February 17-24, 2007
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E-mail: cfuredy@cox.net
Visitor # 00057
All photos and material at this site are the exclusive property of Clifton G. Furedy, © 2007