Technical Stuff
All photos are from the Boy Scount Troop 44 Album, currently held by Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4735 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

Unfortunately, few photos were adequately labeled so the photographers and the people in the pictures may be unknown.   However, many of the photos were taken by Clifton G. Furedy, between 1958 and 1966, and where possible, names have been supplied.

All the photos are from original photographic prints and have been digitally scanned in 8" x 10" JPG format.  The original scans vary in size from 2 to 20 Megabytes. 

All the images on this site have been reduced to between 20 and 100 Kilobytes for faster downloading.  They look fine on the monitor, but when printed, will not contain all the definition of the original. 

All materials at this web site are for the personal, non-commercial use of present or past members of Boy Scout Troop 44 and Westminster Presbyterian Church.  Duplication, publication, commercial or compensated use is strictly prohibited without express written permission. 

Clif at Work

Troop 44
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All photos and material at this site are the exclusive property of Clifton G. Furedy, © 2012