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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the
Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004
A Runner-Up Web Site For 2009
A Runner Up Printed Newsletter 2009
Winner E Newsletter 2009
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 34-NO 5

In This Issue
Honor Flight 2010
September Luncheon
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
MOAA Legislative Update
From the Editor
ID Card Notification Program
Wings For Warriors
Nov 11, Veterans Day
Transition (TOPS) System
MOAA Scholarship Fund
Virginia Wounded Warrior
June Luncheon
Chapter Schedule
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Honor Flight 2010

The Chapter has recently been advised that the Honor Flight - Historic Virginia Triangle has scheduled 16 October 2010 for its second trip of the year to Washington, DC for the rapidly dwindling number of World War II veterans in our Hampton Roads area  As earlier this year, the veterans are expected to visit the World War II Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall), and the National Museum of the Marine Corps at Quantico.  The veterans all feel a great sense of pride and gratitude that the ROTC and NROTC cadets and midshipmen form the Color Guard and Honor Guard are there to send them off.  The HRCMOAA coordinates this effort.  The point of departure will likely remain the same, the Park & Ride parking lot adjacent to the VDOT facility off of I-64 Exit 286A. The three-bus convoy will depart the VDOT facility o/a 0600. Those seeing them off should muster at about 0530. We hope as many Chapter members as are able will participate.  Please contact COL Jim Smith at 425-5934 or
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
HRCMOAA September Luncheon
The Friday 17 September luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community  in the Magnolia Room.  The program is Delegate Christopher P. Stolle, 83rd District.    This will be our first Luncheon since June this year.  Delegate Stolle was a graduate of the  United States Naval Academy, MD with a B.S., 1981. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, MD M.D., 1988. The College of William and Mary in Virginia , M.B.A., 2004. 

Delegate Stolle served as Vice President of Medical Affairs, Riverside Regional Medical Center, 2005-present. Commander, United States Navy Medical Corp, retired, Chairman of the OB/GYN Department, Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia Department Head for OB/GYN, Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. 

Committees; Health Welfare and Institutions 
Education, Counties Cities and Towns 
Subcommittee Assignments 
Subcommittee #2 
Education - Students and Day Care Subcommittee
Education - Higher Education and Arts Subcommittee
Health Welfare and Institutions - Subcommittee #3

We look forward to seeing you at the luncheon.

President’s Message

Fellow Officers:

I have more good news to share with you about our chapter.  We won the 6th consecutive MOAA 5 Star award for the best chapter in our membership category.  I received a congratulatory letter from VADM Ryan congratulating each and every member of the chapter for your part in having achieved this high honor. 

I look forward to seeing each of you at the luncheon with Delegate Chris Stolle and resuming the camaraderie which we share.

LTC “Rip” Dellaripa has been appointed to serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  He will have a slate of officers and directors to announce at the October meeting to be followed by elections in November.  Nominations are also accepted from the floor.  If you would like to serve as an officer or director or suggest someone else, please call “Rip” as soon as possible.  My understanding is that all officer positions and 4 directors will be up for election this year. 

Our Community Services Committee has looked into the feasibility of a suggestion from a member of our chapter that we expand our participation in Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day activities to include the city of Chesapeake.  The board of directors approved their recommendation and we will begin with Veteran’s Day in November.  If you reside in Chesapeake or would just like to participate there please let Dave Wade know.  We will continue our participation in the Virginia Beach Memorial Day wreath laying ceremony and the Veteran’s Day parade.

Our recruitment for national MOAA membership under the Give Me 10 Program is progressing well again this year.  We received a letter from Col Lee Lange, USMC (ret), who is the Director of Chapter Affairs that we have recruited over 60 members for them, through this program.  The bulk of these (55 at last count) were recruited through our ROTC/NROTC Gold Bar program through the efforts of Dave Wade, Jim Smith, Jim Jones and the Community Services Committee.  All of this is made possible through your support.

The brick which we donated for the walkway at the Virginia Veteran’s Memorial in Richmond is now in place and I received a miniature replica which I will bring to our September meeting.  It is inscribed “Hampton Roads Chapter, MOAA.” 

Thank you again for your loyalty and support to our chapter.  I believe that we continue to make a significant contribution to the active force and to our communities, and by  supporting MOAA’s lobbying efforts to protect our active force and the benefits of us all.


HRCMOAA Directory




President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews
USA Ret.
1st Vice President:
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth
2nd Vice President:
CDR Earl L. Byers II
Recording Secretary:
CAPT Loren Heckelman
Treasurer: 417-6394
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN  Ret.
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
COL James A Smith
USA Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan, 
USN Ret 
MRS Theodora Rink,
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
Programs: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, 
VCOC Representative:
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
USA Ret.
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

Progress on TRICARE for Gray Area Retirees
On August 6 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released an interim final rule for the new TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR) program. The new program permits "gray area" National Guard and Reserve retirees – those eligible for a retirement check and TRICARE when they reach age 60 – to purchase TRICARE health insurance. Gray area members who are enrolled in or eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program are not eligible for TRR.  TRR enrollment is expected to commence this fall.

TRR coverage will be exactly the same as TRICARE Standard (which covers 75% of allowable charges after a deductible of $150 single/$300 family).  Unlike the current TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) program - in which premiums are 72% subsidized by the government - gray area retirees will be responsible for paying premiums equal to the full cost of coverage.  For 2010 the monthly TRR rates will be $388 for member-only coverage, and $976 for family coverage. In January 2011 the rates will rise 2% to $408 a month for member only, and $1,020 for family coverage.  Although comparable to Blue Cross Blue Shield rates under the FEHB program and military COBRA rates, the new TRR rates are substantially higher than TRS. Unsubsidized TRS premiums would be about $177 monthly for a single servicemember and $705 for family coverage.

Reservists enrolled in TRS likely will experience "sticker shock" when their TRICARE rates more than double - from $177 for unsubsidized TRS coverage to $388 under TRR - the day they take off the uniform.  Full-cost TRR premiums certainly will be substantially higher than TRS rates due to demographic differences and comparable claims experience. We have asked DoD to provide the analysis that led to the rate-setting for TRR so Guard and Reserve families will have a complete understanding of the basis for the new rates.

With enactment of TRR, Congress has provided a long-sought MOAA and Military Coalition strategic objective: the opportunity for lifeftime TRICARE coverage options for actively serving and retired members of the National Guard and Reserve.  MOAA   looks forward to working with government officials and Congress to ensure that the TRR program rates are fairly set and implemented in a timely fashion.

Board Says Military Retirement “Unaffordable”
On July 22, the Defense Business Board task force recommended that the Secretary of Defense reduce the DoD civilian workforce by more than 111,000, and laid the groundwork for potential future recommendations to cut spending on military retirement, health care, family support, and other programs. Additionally, the task force recommended drastic reductions in combatant command staffing, hiring freezes, and elimination of organizational duplication. These preliminary recommendations will be followed in October by additional cost-cutting proposals. 

For the last year, the Defense Business Board has predicted major problems for the Defense budget as the nation deals with deficit reduction efforts, the economic slowdown, escalating health care and personnel costs, and the potential exit from two wars.  Board members believe that avoiding a looming fiscal crisis will require cutting the Defense budget beyond Secretary Gates’ recently announced target of a $100-billion reduction in “overhead” spending.  The Board’s “Initial Observations” briefing devoted an entire section to costs for military compensation, retirement, health care, veterans affairs, concurrent receipt, commissaries, dependent education, and military family housing. It particularly highlighted costs associated with TRICARE For Life. 

A page titled “The ‘Military Retirement’ sacred cow is increasingly unaffordable” cites increases in the number of military retirees since 1980 (as if this weren’t the direct result of decisions by every administration and Congress since the 1950s to induce a large standing career force to protect America and the world) and criticizes the 20-year retirement system (as if the military could have sustained the force over the last 10 years of repeated wartime deployments without it).  Another cites personnel cost growth since 1998 – conveniently overlooking that 1998 was the nadir of two decades of erosion of military pay, retirement, health care, and other benefits and that the resulting retention problems of that era were what sparked Congress to embark on an extended program to fix them. 

Unfortunately, the Defense Business Board report is only one of the early shots in what likely will be years of budget battles to reconcile military and other needs with truly daunting deficit projections.

Key Panel Approves VA Funding
The House Appropriations Committee has approved $77.3 billion for FY2011 VA programs as well as $50.6 billion in advance funding for veterans’ medical care for the succeeding fiscal year, 2012. Advance funding is needed to sustain health care activities seamlessly from one fiscal year to the next, because Congress rarely finishes VA appropriations legislation by the first of the fiscal year.  The funding measure provides $48.8 billion for veterans’ medical care, an increase of $3.7 billion above 2010. $5.2 billion of the total is to be used for mental health services. 

Other elements of the package provide: $4.2 billion in assistance for homeless veterans; $250 million to improve access to care for veterans in rural areas; $5.7 billion to maintain and upgrade VA medical facilities;  $590 million for medical and prosthetic research.  $2.6 billion to hire and train more than 4000 additional claims processors to reduce the rising claims backlog and process projected new claims; $1.5 million for Arlington National Cemetery to hire additional personnel and address deficiencies identified by the Army Inspector General. 

From The Editor

CDR John E. Vermillion, USN, Ret

The JLC Legislative Objectives for 2011, provided by our legislative representative, Jack Hilgers, are as follows:
  1. Support Alternative Dedicated Revenue Sources for the Department of Veterans Services (DVS)
  2. Restore staffing of DVS Benefits Offices
  3. Provide additional funding to support State Veterans Cemeteries Requirements
  4. Address requirements for a Virginia Veterans Courts Program
  5. Support additional funding to meet Virginia War Memorial requirements
  6. Provide In-state Tuition fees for newly retired veterans
The following VCOC Legislative Objectives were dropped or deferred:

Employment - Dropped, current Virginia Employment database meets veterans' requirements

Homeless Vets -  Deferred due to funding concerns

Absentee Voting - Deferred pending the results of a District of Columbia test

The following HRCMOAA Legislative Objectives were dropped or deferred:

Automated Claims Process and Virginia Wounded Warrior Program - Dropped because they are in the FY12 budget. 

Employment and Homeless Vets - See above.

The JLC Point Papers are under development and should be ready by the end of this month.

The VCOC Legislative Committee will next meet on September 16, 2010 at the Virginia Housing Authority in Richmond. 

The Committee will report to the VCOC Chapter Representatives, and provide the JLC Point Papers on each of the objectives.

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Wings for Warriors
Wings for Warriors is a therapeutic riding program being planned and developed by EquiKids to provide mental and physical therapy to recovering, convalescing and permanently injured wounded service men and women through horseback riding. The program has been implemented at Fort Hood and at Fort Myer in their mounted units, and in over 50 civilian facilities throughout the United States. In addition to its therapeutic value, it also provides recreational benefits to wounded service men and women.  EquiKids is obtaining the appropriate horses, conducting training for volunteers and receiving donations to help underwrite the program. It has coordinated with the Marine Battalion at Norfolk Naval Station, the Portsmouth Naval Hospital and the Hampton VA Hospital in establishing this program. An open house at its facility at Heritage Park on Sandbridge Road is scheduled for September 2010, date to be determined. The open house will provide those interested in the program an opportunity to visit the facilities and to explain the program. For additional information please call. (757) 721-7350. 
November 11 Veterans Day Parade
Members are welcome to participate in the parade, which is sponsored by the Hampton Roads Council Veterans Organization.  The Co-Sponsor this year is the Disabled American Veterans (DAV).  If you would like to ride in the parade please contact John Vermillion or any of our Officers no later than 1 October 2010.  You may want to just watch the parade which will have around 70 plus units.  After the parade a memorial service, dedicated to all veterans, will be held in front of the Tidewater Veterans Memorial Park.  Following the service a luncheon will be hosted at the Doubletree Hotel next to the convention center around 12:15PM.  Please contact any Chapter Officer by NLT 4 October if you would like to attend the luncheon, the cost will be $20 per person. 
Transition Officer Placement System 
The HRCMOAA (TOPS) Liaison is Captain Loren V. Heckelman, U. S. Navy (Ret.). Loren can be reached at email address; Check out our Networking and Jobs page on the chapter website at Click on the “Networking and Jobs” link on the left hand side of the home page.
MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889. Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
How can I help?
Virginia has provided a limited amount of funding for the Wounded Warrior Program. The Commonwealth anticipates that its citizens will want to help. The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program.  The Foundation is an agency of the state and is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2719.  Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. In this case, they only can be used for the Wounded Warrior Program.  Donations to the Foundation are audited annually by the Commonwealth’s Auditor of Public Accounts. This assures that the maximum amount of citizens donations will go to our veterans and not to administrative overhead.  Information about contributing is provided on the following page.

Contribution/Pledge of Support
Yes! You can count on my support to assist Virginia’s veterans, members of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia residents of the Armed Forces Reserves not on active federal service, and their family members, who are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain disorders, combat stress, and post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from their combat service and sacrifice in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100   __ $50   __ Other $________

Please make checks payable to:

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation
For: VWWP: 900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.  Please complete the following five lines for contributions of checks or cash, or when making a pledge.

Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ 
Work Phone _______________________
Employer __________________________ 
Occupation ________________________

For additional information about the Foundation or about contributing, contact Col. Jack Hilgers (USMC, Ret) at the Department of Veterans Services, 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804-382-3715 or 757-481-4164 or Steven Combs at the Department of Veterans Services, 804-786-0294.

21 June Luncheon 
Congressmen Randy Forbes, our guest speaker from the Fourth District,  attended with his wife Shirley and thanked MOAA and its members for their service and family sacrifices.  He started off by saying that this country is in a dangerous place.  On the right above is Congressman Forbes with our President Maj Norm Crews, USA Ret. 

The major points stressed by Congressman Forbes were: 

1.      Government Spending:  This out of control spending is jeopardizing our freedom.  We have to borrow 40 cents for every dollar we spend.  The world would be a different place if a balanced budget would have passed years ago.  Defense spending should be based on defense needs. 

2.      Immigration:  85% of the gang membership are illegal aliens.  The MS-13 gang is out of control.  Can we at least agree that criminals will not be allowed to stay in this country?  English should be our main language.

3.      Energy:  We need a new Manhattan project to explore alternative energy solutions to decrease our reliance on oil from foreign countries but we cannot get it passed. 

4.      It’s time to quit apologizing for the U.S.  The U.S. sets the standards.  The constant bashing of small businesses is hurting America and we must remain strong.  It makes the difference whether we are making the standards instead of apologizing.  One Federal Judge did away with the terminology “In God We Trust” and Congress is attempting to instate legislation to keep it as our National Motto.  He told us a story about how the King of Beasts, the male lion will roar loudly and be heard for many miles.  The prey hears the loud roar and in fear for their lives, they stand frozen in fear or run away.  In the meantime, the female lions, the hunters, have already positioned themselves to capture the prey as they run away in fear or close in on them as they are frozen with fear.  Randy said it is our responsibility to move forward toward the roar and not stand idle in order to pass freedom on to our children.  We must stand up to it.

Above left is COL Sam Wilder, VCOC President presenting the 2009 Communications Awards to Maj Clif Furedy, USAF our Webmaster.  Col Wilder presented the 2009 Communication Awards for our newsletter and our website.  Cliff accepted both awards on behalf of he and John Vermillion who was not in attendance.  Sam Wilder also said we were one of the best 5-Star Chapters for 2009.
Long-time members and Past President CAPT Ray Hart USN Ret. and his wife Jane enjoyed the luncheon and opportunity to visit with other officers and wives.
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings; normally held the first Saturday of each month.  Next board meeting will be in September.
September Function: The luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community in the Magnolia Room on Friday 17 September.  Chris Stolle is guest speaker. 

October Function:  The luncheon will be held at the NAS Oceana Officers Club on Friday 22 October.  The guest speakers will be senior leaders from the Chapters JNROTC and NROTC programs for the past year.

November Function: The luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community, Magnolia Room on 19 November.  The program will be our Annual Business Meeting and the Toys for Tots event.

December Function: This will be the ROWS Annual Dinner Dance on Friday Evening, 3 December at the Princess Anne Country Club.

VCOC Schedule
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14 October, 2010 at the Country Club of Petersburg, VA.  Col Sam Wilder, USA, Ret, is inviting a MOAA Government Relations person to lead the open discussion period. VCOC will also vote on whether to pursue a cruise for Oct of 2011.  The time will be 10 AM to 2 PM. 

VCOC Legislative Committee meets separately prior to the VCOC meeting, with primary purpose of reviewing the Point Papers for the 2011 NATIONAL Legislative Objectives.


To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CAPT Adin K. Woodward, USNR (Ret)

CAPT C. Philip Machen, Jr., USN (Ret)

Mrs. Betty Gofus, AUX


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2010