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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004, A Winner Web Site For 2007, and Winner, Printed Newsletter For 2006. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 33-NO 4
JULY 2009

In This Issue
Memorial Day
50 Anniversary Celebration
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
MOAA Legislative Update
From the Editor
Give Me Ten
ID Card Notification Program
2009 JROTC and ROTC Program
Wounded Warrior Program
HRCMOAA April Luncheon
HRCMOAA May Luncheon
Congressional Luncheon
VCOC Schedule
Chapter Schedule
HRCMOAA New Members
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

2009 Memorial Day Celebration
The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA participated in the Annual Memorial Day wreath laying ceremony at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach. The ceremony was held on 25 May starting at 1200 hours.  The Master of Ceremonies was COL Floyd Gilbert, USA Ret. and a member of the HRCMOAA and the Mayor's Veterans Committee.  Opening remarks and Proclamation were given by the Honorable William D. Sessoms, Jr., Mayor, City of Virginia Beach. The Keynote Address was given by The Honorable Glenn Nye, 2nd Congressional District Representative.  The HRCMOAA wreath was laid by, left to right above, COL David Wade, USA Ret., CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. and COL Jim Smith, USA Ret.
Chapter’s 50th Anniversary
The Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America celebrated it’s 50th Anniversary as a  MOAA chapter on the 24th of June 2009.  See the President’s Message (below) for information on the celebration. 
Or click here for 50th Anniversary photos and more
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
President’s Message

Fellow Officers:

I am still in awe of the wonderful and inspirational event which we held only a couple of weeks ago.  I believe that our 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance was an event that will long live in our memories.  I know it will in mine.  As the Color Guard posted the Colors and the band played the service anthems, tears involuntarily rolled down my cheeks.  Several of you admitted the same experience.  Those of you there know that VADM Ryan was unable to be with us, as planned.  However, when his fine representative, COL Lee Lange, II explained why ADM Ryan could not be with us we were all proud that he was representing us in Iraq.  COL Lange was a most eloquent representative and touched us all when he presented each Past President present with a MOAA coin.  We are most appreciative of his presence with us for this signal event in our history.

There are many in our chapter who made this event possible.  We had a committee to plan and coordinate this event led by CAPT “Holly” Hollandsworth.  I am sure that you will agree that a better leader could not have been found.  He was assisted by CAPT Jack Colgan, CAPT Loren Heckelman and Lt Col “Rip” Dellaripa.  In my opinion, no group could have done a better job and we owe them a great debt of gratitude.  We all looked good because of their efforts.  Gentlemen, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and please accept the everlasting gratitude of our entire chapter.

From the Prelude by the Fleet Forces Band to the Presentation of the Colors by the Joint Services Color Guard, to the beautiful Anniversary Cake prepared by the culinary staff of the USS Ashland (LSD 48) and the wonderful dance music of the ensemble of retired Navy musicians, the evening was magical and brought us back to Dining’s Out in our previous lives.  Thank all of you who came.  I trust you were not disappointed.  I hope  those who were not able, or who chose not to be with us, will be with us in the future.  We were the poorer for you absence. 

We were most fortunate to have six of our living Past Presidents with us for this event, including CDR John Salop, USN; COL Floyd Gilbert, USA; COL “Ted” Holt, USMC; CDR John Vermillion, USN; CAPT Ray Hart, USN; and Lt Col “Rip” Dellaripa, USAF.  It is not by accident that we remain alive and well after 50 years.  Many chapters have not survived.  We are here because of the efforts of these gentlemen and those like them who are no longer with us.  We owe them a debt of gratitude that cannot be repaid.

Have a wonderful summer!  We will take July and August off, except for the July 11th Board Meeting.  Our next regular meeting will be September 18th at Atlantic Shores.



HRCMOAA Directory




President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews,
1st Vice President:
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
2nd Vice President:
CDR Earl L. Byers II
Recording Secretary:
CAPT Loren Heckelman,
Treasurer: 518-0265
LCDR Walter Wesolowski, USN-Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN- Ret.
CDR John E. Vermillion, 
USN Ret. 
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan, 
MRS Theodora Rink,
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
Program: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
VCOC Representative:
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

Defense Bill Drama
The House Armed Services Committee approved H.R. 2647, the House version of the FY2010 Defense Authorization Bill.  Key provisions of the bill include:
  • Pay Raise: Authorizes 3.4% raise for 2010, vs. the 2.9% proposed by the Pentagon 
  • Manpower levels: Allows the Army to grow an additional 30,000 active duty troops in FY2011 and FY2012, as long as the Army budgets for it 
  • Leave carryover: Extends the temporary increase in the maximum number of leave days that can be carried over from one year to the next (75 days) 
  • Injured compensation: Establishes a monthly allowance for catastrophically injured service members so they can receive assistance with tasks of daily living 
  • Housing allowance: Requires DOD to review standards used to calculate the monthly rates 
  • Medical manning: Directs the Pentagon to establish a DoD school of nursing and provide health professional scholarships for students pursuing degrees related to mental health care
What the approved bill does not address is TRICARE fee increases, improvements in concurrent receipt, nor relief for military survivors suffering from the SBP/DIC offset.

Military Personnel Subcommittee Chair Susan Davis (D-CA) said, "Thankfully, this year the subcommittee did not have to deal with the dramatic increases to TRICARE fees...Secretary Gates has indicated a willingness to work with the committee to address the significant growth in military health care expenditures."

Her next statement was a wake-up call for next year, however. "We could have included a prohibition on fees this year," she said, "but it would have created a false sense of security that prohibitions on health care fees would continue in the future." MOAA has long said that it’s unrealistic to expect that fees will never increase. The need is to get some language in law acknowledging that military people pay huge, up-front premiums in service and sacrifice over and above what they pay in cash, establish statutory limits on Pentagon authority to raise fees, and require DoD to pursue alternative options to achieve health cost savings.  Davis noted further that the Subcommittee supports the provision in the President's budget to phase out the disability offset to retired pay for all military disability retirees. "Unfortunately, the subcommittee was unable to identify spending offsets to pay for that $5.1 billion proposal..." She said House leaders want to make that improvement and are working to find the funding so the provision can be included in the bill when it comes before the full House for action (expected next week).

During subsequent committee action, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) proposed an amendment to repeal the disability offset for all disabled retirees, repeal the SBP/DIC offset, and improve health coverage for early Guard/Reserve retirees. He proposed paying for it by reducing other government program funding by a fraction of a percentage point. But the amendment was tabled on a budgetary point of order because its $36 billion 10-year cost couldn’t be funded with offsets under the committee’s control.  MOAA provided Rep. Wilson a letter of support for his amendment as a matter of principle. We understand the Armed Services Committee’s difficulty in complying with House rules that require budget offsets within its jurisdiction. But we believe strongly that, when Congress is providing trillions in stimulus packages and bailouts to lots of less-deserving groups, congressional leaders must be held accountable to find the means to provide substantive progress for both disabled retirees and SBP/DIC widows. 

From the Editor 

Gold Bar Presentations

COL James Smith, USA Ret. presents Gold Bars and a one year membership to National MOAA to Cadet Madison N. Warner (One of thirteen for the day).  Madison is a Graduate of Old Dominion University.  Accompanying Jim is LTCOL William Brown III, USA and the Professor of Military Science. 

Every year at this time, the U.S. Army ROTC Monarch Battalion at Old Dominion University, holds their annual President’s Review and Awards Ceremony.  Again, they were blest with a beautiful spring day on this 23rd of April.   The Hampton Roads Chapter, Military Officers Association of America was honored to be one of the many award presenters at the ceremony.  Jim presented Gold Bars to thirteen Cadets.  Earlier in the ceremony, he presented the MOAA Leadership Award to Cadet Elizabeth L. Hayward, a Graduate of Old Dominion University.
The Norfolk State University held it’s annual Commissioning Ceremony on 8 May 2009 for their Army ROTC Cadets.  The Professor of Military Science at NSU is LTCOL Nicholas M. Anthony, Jr., USA. The guest speaker for this event was COL Patrick D. Sargent, USA and Commander of the 62nd Medical Brigade. 

COL Jim Smith, USA Ret. is shown below presenting the Gold Bar Awards to the three NSU graduates to be commissioned.  Top to bottom is Cadet Darrell Whiting, Military Intelligence, Cadet Rafael Chico-Lugo, Field Artillery, and Cadet Shawntae Woodhoue, Adjutant General Corps.

Give Me Ten 
The HRCMOAA works the MOAA booth on 12 May 2009, along with National MOAA, at the Joint Warfighting 09 Conference in Virginia Beach, VA.  This Conference is sponsored jointly by AFCEA International and the U. S. Naval Institute.  The purpose of the booth is to make the attendees aware of MOAA’s mission and what we can do for them.  The Chapter and MOAA representatives explain the advantages of becoming a member and how MOAA helps to maintain a strong national defense and keep the earned entitlements of members and their families and survivors.  Eligible attendees were encouraged, as first time members, to sign for a one year free membership.  Shown above, from the left, is CAPT Jack Colgan, USN Ret., Chapter Membership Chairman, CDR Chuck Smith, USN Ret. (a newly signed member), and COL Bob Norton, USA Ret., MOAA National Representative and Deputy Director of Government Relations.  The Chapter splits the number of new members signed for Give Me Ten Purposes.
Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program
2009 JROTC and ROTC Program
The Salem High School NJROTC unit held their Annual awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 19th, at the school.  The unit was established in September of 1996 and is  lead by Captain Patrick W. Hunt and AZCS Francisco Rodriquez

CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. is shown presenting the MOAA Leadership Award to Cadet Andre Westerman NJROTC.

Five Norfolk High Schools held their NJROTC awards ceremony on 27 May 2009.  The first Norfolk NJROTC Unit was established in 1969,  The five schools were Booker T. Washington, Granby, Lake Taylor, Maury, and Norview.  The ceremonies took place at the Norfolk Naval Station on the Marine parade field.  The guest speaker was RADM Mark H. Buzby, USN and Deputy Chief of Staff for Global Force Management and Joint Operations.  The five students receiving the MOAA Leadership Awards are shown below. 
Also shown is CDR Earl Byers, USN Ret. presenting the MOAA Leadership Award to each of the Cadets.  Errors in the awardee list prevents clear identification of the Cadets pictured.
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
How can I help?
Virginia has provided a limited amount of funding for the Wounded Warrior Program. The Commonwealth anticipates that its citizens will want to help. The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program.  The Foundation is an agency of the state and is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2719.  Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. In this case, they only can be used for the Wounded Warrior Program.  Donations to the Foundation are audited annually by the Commonwealth’s Auditor of Public Accounts. This assures that the maximum amount of citizens donations will go to our veterans and not to administrative overhead.  Information about contributing is provided on the following page.

Contribution/Pledge of Support
Yes! You can count on my support to assist Virginia’s veterans, members of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia residents of the Armed Forces Reserves not on active federal service, and their family members, who are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain disorders, combat stress, and post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from their combat service and sacrifice in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100   __ $50   __ Other $________

Please make checks payable to:

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation
For: VWWP: 900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.  Please complete the following five lines for contributions of checks or cash, or when making a pledge.

Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ 
Work Phone _______________________
Employer __________________________ 
Occupation ________________________

For additional information about the Foundation or about contributing, contact Col. Jack Hilgers (USMC, Ret) at the Department of Veterans Services, 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804-382-3715 or 757-481-4164 or Steven Combs at the Department of Veterans Services, 804-786-0294.

HRCMOAA April 29th Luncheon
The April luncheon was held at the NAS Oceana Officers Club.  The guest speaker was CAPT Catherine Wilson, NC, USN Ret.  Catherine is the Executive Director of Virginia’s Wounded Warrior Program. Shown above is Chapter President MAJ Norm Crews presenting the Jefferson Cup to Catherine as a thank you gift.  Catherine discussed her responsibilities and explained how the program will coordinate support services for veterans with stress related and traumatic brain injuries resulting from service in a combat area.  The Program will support Virginia Veterans and members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia residents of  the Armed Forces Reserves not in active federal service.  The program also supports the family members of these Veterans, Guard and Reserve members.  The 50/50 drawing was won by COL James Edge, USA Ret.  He is shown below presenting his share, over $80  to the Virginia Wounded Warrior program. Catherine graciously accepts.
HRCMOAA May 27th Luncheon
The May luncheon was held at the NAS Oceana Officers’ Club. The guest speaker was Captain Joe Bouchard, USN Ret. and Eighty-Third District Delegate to the Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates. Captain Bouchard is also a chapter member. He talked briefly about how the House of Delegates conducts business and then spoke in some detail about six legislative objectives for 2009 that had been adopted by the Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations and how they fared in the General Assembly. Four of the six objectives passed, of which Captain Bouchard was either a co-patron or patron. The objectives that passed were Automated System for the Electronic Preparation of Veterans’ Disability Claims, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children, Real Estate Tax Relief for 100% Disabled Veterans and Homeless Veterans Study. Burial Vaults for Virginia State Veterans Cemeteries passed in the Senate but failed in the House Appropriations Committee. Military Family Relief Fund was never placed on the agenda in the House Finance Committee. Captain Bouchard also spoke briefly about the impact of offshore drilling and offshore wind farms on U.S. military readiness and Virginia Beach. Chapter President Major Norm Crews presented Captain Bouchard with the Jefferson Cup in recognition and appreciation for having addressed the chapter with his very enlightening and informative remarks. 
(Photo and coverage by CAPT Loren Heckelman, USN Ret.)
Annual Congressional Luncheon
COL Jack Hilgers (right) introduces Congressman Glen Nye who represents the 2nd District in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.  (Photo by David Wade)
The Virginia Council of Chapters held it’s 24th annual appreciation luncheon on 28 April 2009.
From the HRCMOAA, COL Dave Wade, USA Ret, and COL Jack Hilgers, USMC Ret, attended the luncheon held on Capitol Hill.  The luncheon was in appreciation to the Congressional members from Virginia for their important contributions to our national defense.   It was an opportunity to reinforce with the legislators the VCOC and MOAA national legislature top priority objectives for 2009 – 2010.

The Congressional members attended as time permitted, as it was the week for voting on the budget.  Senator Warner spoke. Senator Webb could not attend but sent a representative in his stead who spoke briefly.  Of our 11 Representatives, 8 attended.  All  took a few minutes to speak in support of defense spending and generally supported VCOC and MOAA objectives. They also discussed the bills they sponsored or supported.  Some of the key points included:

  • Veterans play a critical role in the legislative process; for example, this year veterans were instrumental in reversing the administration on certain issues.
  • Support of Tricare.
  • Concern that the budget and resulting deficit take options for defense in the future off the table; budget driving strategy vs. strategy driving budget.
  • Economy key issue; spending needs to be under control to address key international defense challenges.
  • Support of veterans small business priority for government contracts and veterans priority for government jobs.
Jack Hilgers spoke with Congressmen Eric Cantor, Randy Forbes, and Glenn Nye regarding support for MOAA legislative objectives and the need to be co-sponsors of the veterans bills before Congress.  Jack received favorable responses from all three.  He provided Congressman Nye’s legislative assistant with the complete MOAA package and had the honor of introducing 2nd Congressional District Congressman Nye to those assembled at the luncheon. 
VCOC Schedule
2009 Quarterly Meetings:
July 10, Lexington, VA at VMI.
October 9,  Petersburg, VA area.
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings; held the first Saturday of each month at 0830 in the Little Creek Golf Course meeting room.

There will be no chapter meetings during July and August.

The next Chapter meeting will be held in September at the Atlantic Shores Retirement Community.  The program is to be determined. 


To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CAPT William Vose, USN (Ret)

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2009