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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004, 2nd Runner-Up Web Site, a Winner, Electronic Newsletter and Winner, Printed Newsletter. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 32-NO 1

In This Issue
Membership Alert
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
From the Editor
Your Help Is Needed for RAO
Chapter Secretary Needed
MOAA Legislative Update
In Memory of Veterans
ID Card Renewal Form
November Luncheon
ROWS Dinner Dance
JROTC & ROTC Program
VCOC Scheduled Functions
VCOC Fund for War Memorial
Armed Services YMCA Family
Chapter Schedule
Veterans Day Parade
MOAA Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA Welcomes
Note To Movers
HRCMOAA Membership
Invalid Email Addresses
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Membership Alert

Please note that your membership expiration date is December of the year following your name on the mailing label.  A 2007 following your name means that your membership expires the end of December this year.  We have over 340 members who’s membership expires this year.  All members are asked to check their labels, and if membership expires this year, please complete the membership renewal form on page 11 of the Newsletter or on our Website.  Renew for 3 years and save $6.

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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
US Public Health Service
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the “MOAA Best” Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President’s Message

HCMOAA Presidents message for December 2007

The holiday season is upon us. We will be gathering with family, loved ones and friends. We will exchange gifts and pleasantries. Let us hope that the year 2008 will be a great one for our country and us. Let’s always ask for God's blessing.

 The November social went well with forty-seven and guests in attendance. The meal was outstanding. LTCOL Philip Grathwol, USMC made a short presentation on the positive attitude that prevails with our troops in IRAQ. He also thanked us for our participation in the Toys-for-Tots programs. He explained that several million children looked forward to receiving gifts as a result of the program. 

The November meeting was also the HRCMOAA annual meeting. Captain Paul Hollandsworth was elected as Second Vice-president for the 2008 year. Captain John Colgan, Captain James Jones and Commander John Vermillion were elected as two year members of the Board of Directors. Captain William Lehr was elected to a one year term of the Board. All were installed to their offices by Captain Ray Hart. 

The HRCMOAA chapter is in need of a recording secretary. I must not only be your president but must perform the duties as recording secretary. If someone would step forward and please volunteer to be the secretary, it would be appreciated. 

May God be all of you this holiday season and the new year. 

As always, God Bless America 

Jim Dellaripa 

HRCMOAA Directory




President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
1st Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews,
2nd Vice President: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
Recording Secretary:
Volunteer Needed

Treasurer: 518-0265
LCDR Walter Wesolowski, USN-Ret.
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN- Ret.
CAPT Paul  Hollandsworth,
USN Ret.
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
CAPT Jim Jones,
USN Ret.
CAPT Bill Lehr,
USCG- Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Program: 363-1094
MAJ Norm Crews,
USA Ret.
VCOC Representative:
CDR John E. Vermillion,
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
CAPT Bill Lehr,
CAPT Pat McFadden,
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
From the  Editor

Virginia Veterans Cemeteries

Are you aware that the State operates two state cemeteries for veterans?  The two cemeteries are: The Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk and The Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia.  Internments at both cemeteries have increased nearly every year.  The Horton cemetery opened in 2004 and the Amelia cemetery opened in 1997. 

The Director of Cemeteries for the Virginia Department of Veterans Services is Mr. Dan Kemano.

The State of Virginia also has 15 national veterans cemeteries operated by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs plus the Arlington National Cemetery which is operated by the Department of the Army.  Only the Quantico, Culpeper and Arlington National Cemeteries are accepting new burials. 

Any veteran with an honorable discharge, who is a Virginia resident at the time of death or who was a Virginia resident at the time of enlistment is eligible for interment at one of these state-operated cemeteries.  This includes the spouse and, in some cases, a dependent child may also be interred.  There is no cost for the Veterans grave site but a $300 fee is charged for the spouse.  A memorial marker is included as well as opening and closing the site.  Both cemeteries accommodate in-ground burials and offer columbarium and ground sites for cremated interments.  A committal shelter or chapel is available for funeral services.  Military funeral honors are normally provided.

Veterans may file a pre-application for burial at one of the cemeteries, this will determine eligibility for burial and lessen the burden on the loved ones.  They may be filed at either cemetery during normal business hours, 0800 hours to 1700 hours.  Pre-applications are also be available at the web site,

The Albert G Horton Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery is located at 5310 Milners Road in Suffolk.  The Amelia cemetery is located at 10300 Pridesville Road in Amelia.  A third cemetery is slated to open near the Radford Arsenal in Dublin, Virginia.  The target date for opening is the year 2010. 

Please remember that in addition to the pre-application form, you must submit documentation of military service (DD214 or equivalent), proof of Virginia residence and a copy of a marriage certificate, if applicable. You must also inform cemetery management of other dependent eligibility status at time of application. 

If approved, a file will be established in the veteran's name indicating pre-approval of eligibility.  The pre-application does not reserve a site.

Courtesy of the Arlington National Website Images

Interested Veterans may call (804) 561-1475 for the Amelia Cemetery or (757) 255-7217 for the Albert G. Horton Jr. Cemetery.  Both cemeteries are open to the public during daylight hours.


Urgent, Your Help is Needed!
The Retired Activities Office located at the Norfolk Naval Base is in need of volunteers to man the help desk. Two Hampton Roads RAO branches include the Norfolk Naval Station office and the Naval Amphibious Base office. To get more information, please contact Gene Crabtree at 322-9113.  

Our Chapter is also in need of a Secretary.
This is not a difficult job and it will keep
your mind active while doing a job that
will help your fellow members.

MOAA Legislative Update

Shingles Snafu:
The good news is that the new shingles vaccine is a TRICARE-covered benefit, as of Oct. 19. The bad news for TRICARE For Life (TFL) beneficiaries is that Medicare covers the vaccine under its prescription plan, Part D. TFL beneficiaries don't have and don't need Part D.

For TFL beneficiaries that means TRICARE provides first-payer coverage for the vaccine. It also means that TFL beneficiaries who get the vaccine are subject to the same $150 deductible and 25-percent copay that apply to TRICARE beneficiaries under age 65. And it means that any TRICARE beneficiary -- TFL or under age 65 -- who gets the vaccine early in the fiscal year before they've met their deductible will pay most or all of the cost out of pocket.

That's irksome for TFL folks who haven't paid deductibles and copays for a while, but it's a fundamental of TRICARE coverage.

MOAA believes two actions are needed here. First, Medicare should cover the vaccine under Part B, not Part D. TRICARE took the right step by covering the benefit under its health plan and not as a pharmacy benefit.

Second, MOAA thinks TRICARE should exempt this vaccine -- and other preventive measures -- from the annual deductible. It's penny-wise and pound-foolish to require payments that deter beneficiaries from getting preventive treatments that will save TRICARE a lot more money in the long run.

Medicare/TRICARE Payment Fix On Tap?
Democratic leaders want a two-year fix. Republican leaders want a one-year fix. A one-year fix is cheaper and doesn't require as many painful budget trade-offs. But it also means we'd be back again year after year, with the same problem.

Unfortunately, that's because appropriations arguments between Congress and the Administration continue to delay almost all of the year's most important funding decisions until the very end of the year.

The Defense Appropriations Act has been signed into law, but the appropriations bills for all other federal departments are wrapped up in budgetary wrangling and veto threats.

MOAA would prefer a longer-term fix on the doctor payments, but the only truly essential thing is to get something done to reverse the cuts before the end of every year.

Older Americans and military beneficiaries deserve better than this annual threat of budget-driven cuts that would deter more doctors from seeing them.

Cola watch
Reminder for 2008: the vast majority of military retirees will see a 2.3% COLA, effective Dec. 1, 2007. It will first appear in the January pay checks.
Veterans Day, In Memory of All Veterans!

World War I, then normally referred to simply as The Great War, ended with the implementation of an armistice, a temporary cessation of hostilities.  In this case until the final peace treaty, the infamous Treaty of Versailles, was signed in 1919 between the Allies and Germany at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of November, 1918.

In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"
The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent's ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.  Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program
HRCMOAA November 30th Luncheon.
Toys- for- Tots and Annual Business Meeting.
HRCMOAA November 30th Luncheon.  Toys- for- Tots and Annual Business Meeting.

Our guest speaker this year was LtCol Grathwol, USMC.  He is currently the Site Commander of MAG-42, Detachment B in Norfolk, Virginia.  He briefed members on the mission of MAG-42.  He also covered the mission of the Marines and the good that they were doing in the Middle East, Iraq and Pakistan. 

Shown above is HRCMOAA President, James Dellaripa presenting the chapter Cup to LtCol Grathwol. 
The picture above shows LtCol Grathwol and GySgt. Deena Coleman, Toys for Tots Coordinator, as they accept some of the toys donated by our Chapter members.
In addition to Toys for Tots, the chapter also conducted their annual business meeting which included the installation of new officers and board members.  They are shown above, left to right; CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG Ret., CAPT John Colgan, USN Ret., CAPT Paul “Holly” Hollandsworth, USN Ret., CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret., and CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret., Immediate Past President.
Shown below is Mrs. Lucinda C. Williams with LtCol Grathwol and President LtCol Jim Dellaripa.  She donated her 50/50 winnings to the Toys for Tots Program.

The HRCMOAA attends the Retired Officers Wives Society (ROWS) Dinner Dance on December 7th, also Pearl Harbor Day.  This annual event is held at the Princess Anne Country Club in Virginia Beach.  In addition to the Chapter, members of the Hampton Roads  Squadron of the Association of Naval Aviation were also invited to attend.  A good number of all three organizations belong to each other's organization.  It makes for a great evening of dinning, dancing and listening with the Walter Noona Band providing many new and old tunes.  This year the event coincided with Pearl Harbor Day.  One of the attendees belongs to the Pearl Harbor Survivors Society and gave a short talk on his recollection of that day.  Everyone had a great evening and all look forward to next years event. 
2008 JROTC and ROTC Program
The season starts as Princess Anne NJROTC host the 2008 Drill off for an estimated 20 school JROTC programs from as far away as Delaware.  The program will be held at Rockwell Hall on the Little Creek Amphibious Base.  The date is 2 February 2008.  The drill off will commence in the AM.  If you have never attended one of these functions, please consider it this year!  To see these young people perform is a wonderful experience.   You can come and watch the different drills and leave when ever you want.  “ It is free”  These young folks are our future!

Please contact Bill Lehr, our Community Affairs Chair and volunteer to present an award at one of our local High Schools as they hold their annual JROTC awards ceremonies.  I can attest that it  is a very rewarding experience.

VCOC Schedule
The next VCOC quarterly meeting at Ft Lee, Petersburg, VA is 11 January 2008.

The Storming of the Hill in Richmond is 28 January 2008.

Please contact John Vermillion, VCOC Representative if interested in going.
VCOC Fund Raising Campaign for the Virginia War Memorial Education Center
The Education Center of the Virginia War Memorial will require both government and private funding.  The Virginia War Memorial Education Foundation (VWMEF) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt foundation - gifts are tax deductible.  If there are enough people donating money (indicating "Virginia MOAA" on the naming contribution form),  then we could earn a chance to "name" a room in the new education center for the Virginia Chapters of the Military Officers Association of America.  The Veterans Research Library requires $50,000 of donations.  A conference room requires $25,000.  If most MOAA members in Virginia give a little, we could easily reach one of the naming opportunities.  The VWMEF website is Telephone number is (804)786-2060.  In the designation block enter; Hampton Roads Chapter, “Virginia MOAA.” The HRCMOAA contributed $1,000 to this effort.  We encourage all members to consider  donating to this cause.  A form is provided for your convenience.  Complete and send to Virginia War Memorial Educational Foundation, 621 S. Belvidere St., Richmond, VA 23220-6504.
Virginia War Memorial Educational Center Contribution  Form

Yes, I wish to honor our heroes and help to educate the public on the significant contributions made by Virginians to preserve and protect our country’s freedoms.

$25____   $50____   $100____   $_________

State:                 Zip code:

Check payable to the VWMEF is enclosed.  Or,
Charge my gift to: 
Master card___ Visa___ AmExp___, Discover___ 


Exp.Date_______  Signature___________________

Credit: Hampton Roads Chapter, Virginia MOAA.

Armed Services YMCA
Five Star Military Family Recognition
16 November 2007
The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA sponsored a table at the Family Recognition Luncheon.  The Chapter donated $400 to support the mission of the ASYMCA which is to improve the quality of life for junior enlisted military personnel and their families.  A family from each of the services, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force was recognized for their community support efforts.

Left to Right; CDR John E. Vermillion, USN Ret., LCDR Walt Wesolowski, USN Ret., LtCol Keith E. Andrews, USAF, CMSGT Donald Alexander, USAF, Col Tony Dominice, USAF.  LtCol James Dellaripa, USAF Ret.
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Dec 2007:  ROWS Dinner Dance, 07 December, was held at the Princess Anne Country Club, with the Walter Noona Band. 

Jan 2008:  No program scheduled.

Feb 2008:  To be determined.

Mar 2008:  No program scheduled.

The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA participates in the Veterans Day Parade on 11/12/07 
Pictured above is COL James Smith, USA Ret., LCDR Walt Wesolowski, USN Ret., CDR John E. Vermillion, USN Ret., and LtCol James Dellaripa, USAF Ret. 

The Virginia Beach parade is sponsored by the Hampton Roads council of Veterans Organizations and co-sponsored this year by the Submarine Veterans.  Shown below are several children who were out to greet the parade participants and enjoy the wonderful day.  There were over 6o units participating in the parade.
After the parade and Grandstand ceremonies were complete, the Dedication at the Veterans Memorial Park was conducted by reading of names honoring veterans whose names are engraved on memorial pavers that have been laid at the Veterans Memorial Park.

A luncheon followed at the Double Tree Hotel where the Guest Speaker was FT1(SS) Paul B. Rice, USN Ret., a member of the Submarine Veterans.
MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889. Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form
Note to Movers
If you move please let the Chapter know by following the directions above.
HRCMOAA Membership
Every Chapter member should check on their friends to see if they are still members.  Could be they just forgot to renew.
Invalid Email Addresses

If you change your email address please let the Chapter know via email to
Clif Furedy at



Grace H. Darrah
wife of LCDR Paul F. Darrah, USN Ret.

LtCol Mary “Lou” Baeumel
Lou was a past member of the Board of Directors
for the HRCMOAA and volunteered
to help where ever help was needed. 


Col Richard A. Vogel
Col Dick Vogel USAF passed away on December 7th. Dick was considered the “silent backbone” of the Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA. During his many years with the chapter he served in many capacities: Board member, Second VP, First VP, and President in 1990. Dick also was the award winning Editor of the Chapter’s Bulletin for twenty years.  He also maintained the Chapter’s membership data base until a few months ago. He  printed out all the labels for our mailings to members. His unfortunate passing leaves a large void which will be difficult for the Chapter to fill. God Speed, Dick!

By CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret. and Immediate Past President

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2007