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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter 2004-2005, 
MOAA Best Web Site, and a MOAA Best Electronic Newsletter.
Serving Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 30-NO 4
JULY 2006

In This Issue
President's Commentary
HRCMOAA Directory
From the Editor
Legislative Issues
Rep. Drake Legislation
ID Card Renewal Form
Chapter Schedule
Summer Social
TMOP Program
HRCMOAA Membership Totals
Volunteers Needed
Communications Award
May and June Luncheons
VCOC Scheduled Functions
Memorial Day
VCOC Legislative Update
MOAA Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA Welcomes
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Fort Story Luncheon 
(Picnic Style) 
will be held on 
Saturday August 19th. 
Come and enjoy an informal social!
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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the “MOAA Best” Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President's Commentary

Our June Social Luncheon was another great success; about 85 were in attendance at Atlantic Shores. Our speaker was Captain Patrick J. Lorge, USN, Commanding Officer, NAS, Oceana.

He discussed the current status of Oceana and the BRAC implication. He basically stated that he’s conducting business as usual. CAPT Lorge is an excellent and forthright speaker and he went to each table to answer the questions that were asked. The luncheon meal was outstanding. Both the chicken and salmon dishes were delicious. 

In my last commentary in May, I discussed the advantages of being both a member of MOAA and our Chapter. 

I believe that it answered the question, “What’s in it for me?” I urge you to use those points and start to recruit new members for our chapter and MOAA. As you are aware, numbers count if we are going to be successful with legislators on military and retiree issues, to continue to support our community in various ways and to keep you informed via our Newsletter, Web site, and email communications. I know that I’m preaching to the choir but now we need your dedication. If you haven’t noticed, we are losing over 100 members per year due to deaths, age, moving out of the area, and military transfers. We need to fill these vacancies with new members. 

HELP! We need you to sign up a new member now! Use the membership application in this Newsletter to do it. 

MOAA kicks off the 2006 “Give Me 10” Campaign.  MOAA issued a challenge to each of the association’s 415 chapters to recruit 10 new national MOAA members. Our Hampton Roads Chapter is participating in this campaign. We’ll also be giving an incentive to a new member who joins national MOAA to join our chapter. Some of the recruiting techniques that we are considering are to: 

1.  Personally contact potential members who live in our jurisdiction from a list given to us by MOAA. To do this successfully, we need some member volunteers to make these recruiting phone calls. Call or email me, if you are able to do this.

2. Recruit at events that attract potential members, such as the United States Naval Institute warfare symposium in October 2006. 

3.  Encourage our chapter members to volunteer to recruit at least 1 new potential member: active military, retired, or auxiliary.  If you have any constructive ideas on how to recruit new members, please let us know ASAP. 

As you can see from my comments this month, I am very concerned about the health and welfare of our Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA. If we do not replace and increase our membership, then the Chapter could cease to exist along with all our good works. We need your help to retain our “One Powerful Voice” both locally and nationally.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and seeing many of you at the August 19th Luncheon (picnic style) inside with air conditioning at Fort Story. 

Smooth Sailing,

Ray  Hart.
HRCMOAA Directory




President: 430-8771
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN-Ret.
1st Vice President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
2nd Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
Secretary: 362-0030
Mrs Patricia H. Doss,
Treasurer: 739-3904
LCDR M. Catherine Liberatore, USN-Ret
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
CDR John A. Rooney, USN-Ret.
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Mrs. Mickie Jones,
LtCol Mary L. Baeumel, USAFNC-Ret.
CAPT Jim Jones,
CAPT Bill Lehr, 
Program: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
Arrangements: 362-0030
Patricia H. Doss, Aux
VCOC Representative: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
Legislative Affairs: 490-8383
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Personal Affairs: 486-7639
CAPT James D. Hereford, USN-Ret.
Membership: 425-5934
COL James A. Smith, USA-Ret
Publicity: 363-1094
MAJ Norm Crews,
Community Affairs: 836-1646
CAPT Tim Stark, USNR
CAPT Pat McFadden, USN-Ret.
Information Systems: 481-0694
Col Richard A. Vogel, USAF-Ret.
Webmaster 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy. USAF-Ret.
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
From the  Editor

From the Editor

For the past 2 issues we have carried a notice asking for a survivor or family member of a survivor, who served onboard the USS Franklin during WWII.  The purpose of this exercise was to find someone who would be interested in receiving 2 bookends that were made from the wooden deck of the aircraft carrier.  We were successful.  Tom Shoemaker, son of Captain James M. Shoemaker, USN who was the Commanding Officer when the USS Franklin (CV-13) Essex Class Aircraft Carrier was commissioned on 31 January 1944.  Tom also pointed out that the USS Franklin was not damaged in Pearl Harbor.  It was damaged in the South Pacific during the war.  The Franklin’s initial assignment was with TG 58.2 at Eniwetok.  Carrier strikes were carried out in support of the Marianas assault and against IwoJima.  Her planes scored well against enemy aircraft both on the ground and in the air, and against radio stations, seaplane bases, airstrips and ships.  During air strikes in support of operations at Leyte, Luzon, and Manila Bay, she was damaged by an enemy bomb hit.  She was still able to continue operations.  In support of the Leyte operation  Franklin, with  Task Groups 38.2, 38.3, and 38.4, sailed to  intercept an advancing Japanese Carrier force and attack at dawn.  The Franklin’s four strike groups and an other carrier strike group managed to sink four Japanese carriers.   On 30 October, during the Leyte action, the Franklin was attacked by  3 enemy bombers one managing to crash through the gallery deck, killing 56 and wounding 60.  She retired to Ulithi for repairs. It was determined that the damage was extensive enough to send her to Puget Sound Navy Yard for repairs.  Captain Gehres relieved Captain Shoemaker as command officer on 9 November 1944.    In February 1945, the Franklin joined TG58.2 for strikes on the Japanese homeland in support of the Okinawa landings.  While conducting operations against Honshu and Kobe Harbor, a single Japanese plane dropped through the cloud cover and managed to drop 2 semi-armor piercing bombs on the Franklin hitting the flight deck centerline and penetrating on through to the 3rd deck causing major damage and secondary explosions.  Total casualties were 724 killed and 265 wounded.  The Franklin was towed by the Pittsburg until she was able to proceed on her own to Pearl Harbor.  After minor repairs she proceeded on her own to Brooklyn, NY and was placed out of commission on 15 May 1949.   The Franklin was eventually scrapped.  I thank Tom Shoemaker for providing this Battle history of the USS Franklin.


Legislative Issues

DACMC Publishes Military Retirement Recommendations
The Defense Department announced this week the release of the Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation (DACMC) final report, "Completing the Transition to an All-Volunteer Force" ( 

The DACMC, chartered in March 2005, was tasked to review the current military pay and benefits structure and identify ways to better sustain recruitment and retention of a high-quality, cost-effective, and ready military force.

The DACMC report describes the existing military compensation system as "outdated and inflexible" and says its recommendations would "complete the transition to the volunteer era and could result in greater flexibility for force managers, providing a more effective and efficient force." 

MOAA believes some of the DACMC recommendations make good sense, including consolidating and simplifying special and incentive pays and offering Guard and Reserve members subsidies to help maintain civilian insurance coverage for their families when they're mobilized.

But we have reservations about the potential consequences of implementing civilian-style changes to the military retirement system such as:

*Providing earlier vesting for military retirement at 10 years of service;
*Implementing a "401(k)-like" contributory plan; and
*Delaying retirement annuity that begins at age 60.
DACMC members emphasize that their retirement proposals would only apply to new service entrants, not to anyone currently serving or already retired. But less significant changes enacted two decades ago for post-1986 entrants had to be repealed in 1999 because they were hurting retention. 

Pentagon officials emphasize that the Defense Department has taken no position on these proposals, and that they will be turned over to the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (QRMC) for further study. 

But we expect to hear lots more on the issue in the year ahead.

MOAA Meets with House Leaders
MOAA's Col. Steve Strobridge (USAF-Ret) and COL Bob Norton (USA-Ret) joined representatives of several other associations at a June 8 meeting with House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer (R-IN).

This was Boehner's first meeting with military and veterans association leaders since his recent election as Majority Leader.  Boehner promised to be up front and honest with the military and veterans community.  "What you see with me is what you get," he said.  "I believe in working together with all parties to get things done...I support improving benefits for those who served.  But we can’t do everything for everybody."

Boehner and Buyer assured the group that they intend to take legislative action to protect military members and veterans whose personal data was stolen recently from the home of a VA employee.  One option Buyer discussed was the creation of a claims adjudication process within the VA to provide an avenue to compensate members who actually suffer identity theft damages without having to go through the courts.

In discussions of priorities, Strobridge summarized MOAA's goals for health care, disabled retirees and survivors, and expressed particular concern about size of the defense budget and the current situation - even in wartime - where defense leaders are pushing to cut spending on military people programs (e.g., force levels and health care) to fund weapons programs.  Buyer added comments on his efforts to ensure that TRICARE For Life funding wouldn't have to compete with other programs in the defense budget.  Boehner said he thinks "the defense budget is big enough, but we need to spend that money smarter."

VA Data is stolen
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has recently learned that an employee took home electronic data from the VA, which he was not authorized to do and was in violation of established policies. The employee's home was burglarized and this data was stolen. The data contained identifying information including names, social security numbers, and dates of birth for up to 26.5 million veterans and some spouses, as well as some disability ratings.  As a result of this incident, information identifiable with you was potentially exposed to others.  It is important to note that the affected data did not include any of VA's electronic health records or any financial information.  The VA and DoD learned that personal information on as many as 1.1 million military members on active duty, 430,000 members of the National Guard, and 645,000 members of the Reserves may have been included in the data theft. 

The Department of Veterans Affairs has set up a special website and a toll-free telephone number for veterans which features up-to-date news and information. Please visit or call 1-800-FED-INFO (1-800-333-4636).  The Federal Trade Commission recommends the following four steps if you detect suspicious activity: 

Step 1 – Contact the fraud department of one of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax: 1-800-525-6285;; P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241: Experian: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742);; P.O. Box 9532, Allen, Texas 75013: TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289;; Fraud Victim Assistance Division, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834-6790. 

Step 2 – Close any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. 

Step 3 – File a police report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place. 

Step 4 – File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission by using the FTC’s Identity Theft Hotline by telephone: 1-877-438-4338, online at, or by mail at Identity Theft Clearinghouse, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20580.

Drake Stands Up to Preserve the 
Dignity of Military Funerals
Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) joined fellow House colleagues and members of the Patriot Guard Riders for a press conference to highlight legislation that will protect families from being harassed when laying their military sons and daughters to rest. The Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act, introduced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and cosponsored by Rep. Drake, will prevent demonstrators and agitators from using these intensely personal ceremonies as a platform to disseminate their political agendas.

"It is a shame that certain groups have taken it upon themselves to target the grieving family and friends of our fallen warfighters with their political rhetoric," said Rep. Drake. "These courageous men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom. Their loved ones deserve to bid their final farewells in peace and with dignity. It is a sad statement that some would disrupt such a solemn ceremony in order to promote their political agendas."

Drake Takes Action to Protect Veterans' Identities
Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) has introduced legislation that will make it a federal crime for officials at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to negligently or maliciously disclose the sensitive personal information of our nation's veterans. The Veterans Identity Security Act comes on the heels of reports that the identifying information of nearly 27 million veterans has been compromised following a burglary at the home of a VA official who had violated department policy by taking the information home.
The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent's ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.  Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events


WHEN: Saturday, August 19, 2006
WHERE: Fort Story Club, Virginia Beach
   Colonial Room (Inside)
TIME: Social: 1100  hours
Lunch:  1200-1300 hours
MENU: Pork Bar-B-Q and Fried Chicken
Coleslaw, Potato Salad. Corn on the cob
Relish Tray, Rolls & Butter, Watermelon
Iced Tea, Lemonade
Pay as you go bar.
PRICE: $16.00
PROGRAM: Wear your favorite Service ball cap
RESERVATIONS: Reservations required by 
1900 hours, August 9, 2006
Call Jim Dellaripa, 640-0947, or
Norman Crews363-1094
Give name,  phone number & number attending .
Checks may be mailed to
HRCMOAA, PO Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454.
TMOP Program
With the DoD TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) program, you can save up to 66% over retail costs because the copayment for a 90 day supply is the same as for a 30 supply from a retail pharmacy.  To contact TMOP you may call toll free 1-866-363-8667.  To register  for TMOP on line visit their website,  To get a form to register by mail, visit the website or the nearest Military Treatment Facility, or a TRICARE Regional Service Center.  New prescriptions by Fax can be completed by providers only, toll free numbers are 1-877-895-1900 or 1-877-283-3858.
HRCMOAA Membership
Volunteers Needed for the Hampton Roads 
Retired Activities Office 

Ccontact your Chapter coordinator: CAPT James Hereford, USN (Ret) at 486-7639 to participate and offer your services. No experience is required; we'll train you. 

Communications Award! 
The HRCMOAA has been awarded the Category 1 Best Electronic Newsletter for the year 2005.
HRCMOAA June 1st Luncheon
Our June function was held at the Atlantic Shores Retirement Community and as always there was a great member turnout.  Our guest speaker was the  Commanding Officer of NAS Oceana, Captain Patrick J. Lorge, USN.  CAPT Lorge took command on October 7, 2005.  During his career, he flew the F-14 Tomcat, A-4 Skyhawk, F-5 Tiger and the F-16 Fighting Falcon.  He commanded the VFA-25 “Fist of the Fleet” Squadron, aboard the USS Carl Vinson.  CAPT Lorge served with the Joint Chiefs of Staff prior to reporting as Oceana’s Executive Officer then Commanding Officer.  Captain Lorge spoke on NAS Oceana’s future and answered questions from the members in attendance. 

Saturday May 6th Luncheon 
Margaret Stephenson (left) and Jesse Sandlin shown on the Spirit of Norfolk during the cruise from Norfolk to the Naval Base and return.  All had a great day!
VCOC Scheduled Functions 
The next VCOC meeting, July 14, 2006, will be held at Ft Lee, VA in the Quartermasters Museum.  Those Chapter Members wishing to attend please contact our VCOC Representative, John Vermillion at 382-9843 or email

The next meeting will be held on October 13, 2006.

Memorial Day

“A Day of Remembrance and Thankfulness”

The HRCMOAA participated in the annual Memorial Day  celebration held on May 29, 2006 at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial and Veterans Memorial Park in Virginia Beach.  Shown above are CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret., COL James Smith, USA Ret. and LtCol Jesse Sandlin, USAF Ret., carrying the Chapter wreath forward to be placed at the Memorial. 

This event is sponsored annually by the Mayor’s Veterans Committee.  Wreaths are laid in honor of today’s military and all veterans by the tidewater Mayoral Representatives, Fraternal and Veterans Organizations.  Our own Col. Floyd Gilbert was the program MC.  The Virginia Beach City Mayor, Meyera Oberndorf provided the opening remarks, and the Keynote address was given by Captain William Sizemore, USN. 

The theme of this year’s ceremony is “Honoring Today’s Military” as we honor the men and women of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives defending our great country.

The Virginia Council of Chapters,
Military Officers Association of America.
Legislative Update
The Virginia General Assembly (GA) is still locked in debate on the new Budget because of the future funding of transportation in the Commonwealth. Therefore, some of the legislative objectives concerning Veterans and the military community that we have been working this past year are still uncertain. No one thinks that the veteran/military items that have passed the GA are actually in jeopardy, but we can’t ever be sure. These include:
  • Increased Support for National Guard and Reserve: A Military Family Relief Fund  was approved by the GA to provide financial support to military families in need while the spouse is deployed. A budget amendment of $1.3 million was submitted to fund this. Gov. Kaine also added a budget amendment of $1 million for NG recruiting. 
  • · Full In-State Tuition for Military Families stationed in Virginia: This provides that all dependents of Active military assigned to duty stations in Virginia shall be considered domiciled in the Commonwealth for purposes of eligibility for in-state tuition and it shall continue as long as they are continually enrolled in a Virginia institution of higher learning. This passed both Houses of the GA and required no budget action. It has been signed by the Governor and is effective on 1 July 2006. 
  • · Funding to assist construction of a Fisher House at McGuire VAMC: The Senate approved $1 million and the House voted to provide $500 thousand. It still has to go to a negotiating committee of Senate and House members. 
  • · Funding for a 3rd Virginia Veterans Care Center in Hampton Roads: The GA passed a bill authorizing the Governor to request federal funds and requiring the State Treasurer to issue a short-term loan for $14.6 Million. The Governor has already approved this objective. 
  • · Funding for additional part-time hires for the Department of Veterans Services (DVS): A budget amendment was approved to provide 8 part-time and 2 full time positions this year and 10 full-time positions next year. Funds were also approved to upgrade the telephone and computer capabilities of the DVS. 
  • · Establish a Veterans Cemetery in Southwest Virginia: The DVS was authorized to accept the donated property and a short-term loan was provided until Federal VA funds are provided to repay it. The Governor has signed this bill. The legalities allowing the Army to donate the land to the State of Virginia are being worked out in Congress. Senator Allen and Rep. Boucher are pushing this action and it seems to be on track.
MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made for deceased members to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889.  Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 
Community Affairs
This will be my final submission as the Chairman of the Community Relations Committee.  CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG (Ret) has graciously agreed to take my place.  I have enjoyed the past three years of interaction with the local ROTC, NROTC, and NJROTC units.  There are some quality young men and women that are involved in these programs and it’s been a pleasure meeting them. 

And speaking of quality, the final listing for the 2006 MOAA Leadership awards is shown in the next column.

I know the chapter members will be every bit as helpful to Bill in presenting the awards next year as you were to me this year.  I wish all of you fair winds and following seas. 

Tim Stark


Cadet Emma C. Taylor
MIDN Matthew Hawkins 
Cadet Lydia Cummings
Princess Anne 
First Colonial 
Green Run 

Lake Taylor 
Booker T. Washington 


Stephen Arnold
Alexander Merz
Daniel Brooks
Alexandra Cooperman
Ashley Nebendahl

Brandi Solomon
Justin Smith
Candice Jackson

Nicholas Blagg
Patrick Krekel


To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Dick Vogel
You may call Dick at 481-0694 or email

This month we honor the men and women 
of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives
defending our great country.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2006