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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

November 2015
Veterans Day Activities
An annual tradition, chapter members participated in Veterans Day events across the area.  In Virginia Beach, many participated in the Veterans Day parade and luncheon alongside members of the armed forces.  We also participated in the Chesapeake Veterans Day celebration and  presented a chapter wreath at City Hall.
Above:  CDR Matt Krakower, USN (Ret) enlists a group into the Army at City Hall in Chesapeake.   Below:  CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret) and CDR Matt Krakower, USN (Ret) present chapter wreath.
Above center, Col Floyd Gilbert, USA (Ret.), Co-Marshal for the Virginia Beach event and past president of HRCMOAA receives a quilt from the Not Forgotten Quilts of Valor organization.
Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA represented by (above, second from left) Col Jim Smith, USA (Ret), CAPT Loren Heckelman, USN (Ret), Col Jim Edge, USA (Ret), and CAPT Jim Jones, USN (Ret) at the Tidewater Veterans Day Parade, Ceremony, and Luncheon Program—sponsored by the Hampton Roads Council of Veterans Organizations.

History of the Continental Marines 
and the Marine Corps Ball Discussion
Chapter member and Active Duty Military Liaison, LtCol Benjamin “Zach” Woodworth gave a talk to the Daughters of American Colonist, Norfolk Chapter, at Atlantic Shores on 10 November.  The topic was the history of the Continental Marines and the Marine Corps Birthday Ball.   He was representing U.S. Marine Forces Command, but spoke fondly of our chapter.  Many of the ladies were familiar with HRCMOAA and one, Martha Giovanelli, regularly attends our luncheons with husband LtCol Bob Giovanelli, USMC (Ret).

U.S. Representative Scott Rigell
The Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA met with U.S. Representative Scott Rigell, 2nd District of Virginia on 14 November from 9 to 10 a.m. at his Virginia Beach Office.  Chapter members, Legislative Director Jack Hilgers, Asst. Legislative Director Lincoln Smith, and Legislative Committee member Chris Vatadis attended the meeting. 
Pictured above:  COL Jack Hilgers, USMC (Ret), Rep. Rigell, CDR Linc Smith, USN (Ret). 
Pictured above:  COL Jack Hilgers, USMC (Ret), CAPT Chris Vatidis, USN (Ret), Terri Dunn-Campbell (Congressman Rigell’s military liaison, and CDR Linc Smith, USN (Ret)

November Luncheon and
Toys For Tots Program
Above from L-R:  GySgt Villanueva and Maj Matt O’Hara, accept a $100 check for Toys for Tots from LtCol Benjamin “Zach” Woodworth, USMC (Active Duty Military Liaison) from HRCMOAA.
Two Corporals from Marine Air Control Squadron-24, the sponsoring unit for this year’s Toys for Tots program, with chapter member CDR Bob Armour, USN (Ret).
Above:  Guest speaker, Col Russell E. Smith, USMC, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command, G-3/5/7 discusses the status of world-wide USMC operational forces. 
Officers and board members install HRCMOAA’s 12th consecutive five star award banner.  L-R, LCDR Jeff Barrett, USN (Ret) - 2nd VP; CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG (Ret) - Board of Directors; LT Steve Hackney, USN (Ret), Treasurer, Mrs. Barb Smith, Aux. Liaison, and CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret).
COL David C. Wade III, USA (Ret) receives the MOAA Leadership Award for his hard work and outstanding service through the chapter’s work in the community.  COL Wade has been instrumental in the development of the HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund and local Historic Honor Flight in addition to many other community outreach projects.
Chapter President, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret) conducts the installation of HRCMOAA Board of Directors at the November luncheon.  CDR John Uhrin, USN (Ret) and Maj. Gen. John McLaren are pictured receiving the Oath of Office for their two year term. 
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