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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

March 2011

March Luncheon
25 March Luncheon featured CW4 Philip M. Brashear, son of MC Carl Brashear, USN.  Philip is a CH-47D helicopter pilot attached to the 5-159th Aviation Regiment at Fort Eustis, VA.  He is also the President of the Carl Brashear Foundation, and discussed the Legacy of Carl Brashear, the influence Carl had on his life, and the proposed Foundation.
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ROTC and JROTC Award Ceremonies
April begins the ROTC and JROTC award ceremonies and the Gold Bar presentations.  This event took place at the Student Center on the NSU campus in Norfolk.  Shown above is COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. presenting the MOAA Military Leadership Award to Cadet Tanisha Jenkins of the NSU AROTC.  Tanisha was also the Executive Officer of the Unit.  As always, these young people never fail to impress.
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