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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

January 2010

HRCMOAA Presents a Return Home Banner for the Returning Troops
On 13 January 2010, the Hampton Roads Chapter, Military Officers Association of America, presented a banner to the Naval Air Terminal Norfolk Naval Station to welcome back home returning military personnel and their families who have been serving in the Middle East and elsewhere overseas. The project was initiated by Mrs. Sylvia Smith and the banner was donated to the Chapter by Sylvia and her husband, Colonel James A. Smith, USA (Ret). 

The presentation was made to Mr. Lou Lawton, Air Terminal Director by Major Norm Crews, USA (Ret), Chapter President, Captain Paul Hollandsworth, USN (Ret), Chapter Vice-President, and Chapter members Captain Bill Lehr, USCG (Ret), Commander John Vermillion, USN (Ret), and Colonel and Mrs. Smith. An additional banner, to wish departing and deploying military men and women a safe trip and rapid return, is being planned. This new banner will also be presented to the Terminal for display.

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HRCMOAA Joins with VIPMOAA to work the 80th Training Command Conference
Shown above are MOAA members from the VIPMOAA and HRCMOAA Chapters as they manned a table at the 80th Training Command Conference.  Left to right, is LTC Jay Harper, USA Ret, COL David Wade, USA Ret, and Col Jim Pauls, USAF Ret.  Not shown is CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret., photographer.  The conference was being held at the Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center in Virginia Beach.
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Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) leaders from throughout Virginia stormed Richmond Monday, January 25.  This 13th annual Virginia MOAA Day at the General Assembly was led by MOAA Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC) President, COL Sam Wilder, USA Ret, of Chester  and Vice President /Legislative Chair, COL Don Kaiserman, USA, Ret, of Richmond.  Shown above (l to r) are COL Sam Wilder, HRCMOAA chapter member CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. and COL Jack Hilgers, USMC Ret.
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