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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

December 2006 Activities

ROWS Dinner Dance
The HRCMOAA attended the Annual Retired Officers Wives Christmas Dinner Dance at the Princess Anne Country Club in Virginia Beach.
A good time was had by all!
Shown above, Norm and Nordleen Crews.
Shown above, Walt and Marie Wesolowski.
Shown above, Jim Dellaripa and Grace Gallagher.
Shown above, Clif and Bobbie Furedy.

Armed Services YMCA
Five Star  Military Family
Shown above left to right is John Vermillion, CDR USN (Ret), PFC Sam Caito, USA, Jim Dellaripa, LtCol USAF (Ret), Norm Crews, MAJ USA (Ret), PV2 Douglas Blount, USA, Ray Hart, CAPT USN (Ret) and SGT Thomas Skellham, USA.

Delegate Terrie Suit Receives a Performance Award From HRCMOAA
Terrie Suit was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates on November 2, 1999. She represents the 81st district, which includes, the Southeast portion of Virginia Beach and the portion of Chesapeake South of Great Bridge.  Over the past seven years she has used her experience in business, housing and community service to become an influential member of the Virginia House of Delegates. 
Shown is the HRCMOAA President, CAPT Ray Hart, USN (Ret) presenting a plaque to Delegate Terrie Suit for Outstanding performance representing both active and retired military personnel of the Commonwealth during 2006, especially sponsorship of instate tuition for military dependents. 

The award was given at the Chapter’s Toys for Tots luncheon held on December 1, 2006 at the Atlantic Shores Retirement Community. 

Toys For Tots
LtCol James Dellaripa with the United States Marine Corp Toys for Tots representatives.   From left to right is Staff Sergeant  Maik and Sergeant Shayler, both attached to MAG 42 Detachment B at Naval Station Norfolk.  They have deployed to Iraq twice with their unit.  Their helicopters carried both personnel and cargo while in Iraq.  The Marines accepted the many unwrapped toys that all of the HRCMOAA members brought with them to the 2 Dec.06 luncheon. 
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