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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

November 2005
Armed Services YMCA Five Star Military Family Recognition Luncheon 

Our Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA sponsored two tables at the annual Armed Services YMCA Five Star Military Family Recognition Luncheon held on 18 November, 2005.  Shown at right is a Navy Runner-Up  Family, ET1 Brian Fletter, his wife Kelly and daughter Ariana.  Brian is stationed aboard the USS Montpelier. 
Left to right is SK2 Connie Carrillo of the USS Enterprise, AN Tony Christopher III on the LHA 4 Nassau, and SA Jordan Meersand on the DDG 95 James E. Williams.
Left to right is Ms Tina Rodriquez a program assistant for the ASYMCA and again Kelly Fletter and Ariana.

The Chapter representatives were CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret. President and CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. Past President.  Donations were provided by the Chapters 50/50 winnings and the Chapter Officers and Board members.  Thank you all for your help.  The mission of the ASYMCA is to imnprove Quality of Life for junior enlisted military personnel and their families.  Our Chapter was honored to participate again this year. 

Left to right, SA Jordan Meersand and CAPT Ray Hart.
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November 11, 2005 - Veterans Day

HRCMOAA participants in the annual Veterans Day Parade held in Virginia Beach.  After the parade, the Virginia Beach Mayor’s Veterans Committee conducted a special memorial service for 12 Navy Seals killed in action in Afghanistan.  Left to right is LCOL Jim Dellaripa, USAF Ret., LCOL Jesse Sandlin, USAF Ret., CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret., and COL Jim Smith, USA Ret.
Shown above is an enthusiastic group who turned out on a clear crisp day to watch the '05 Veterans Day Parade.
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November 2005 - Toys for Tots Celebration

HRCMOAA Toys for Tots celebration.  Our President CAPT Ray Hart, on the right, presented the gifts from  members in attendance to COL Jeff Drummond, USMC.  COL Drummond is a new member of the chapter.
Our President Ray Hart installed the newly elected Board Members at our November 4th annual business meeting.  They are from left to right; CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG (Ret), LtCol Mary L. Baeumel, USAFNC (Ret), Auxiliary Mickie Jones, and CDR John Rooney, USN (Ret)
Our President, CAPT Ray Hart presents our guest speaker, Delegate Bob Purke, with an engraved silver cup after our recent November 05 luncheon held at the Atlantic shores Retirement Community.
Left to Right, CAPT Robert Chapin, USN Ret. is shown talking with new member RADM Fred Metz, USN Ret. during our Nov 05 Luncheon.
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All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2006